Youth Forum
Watch the message from Bjorn Lomborg for a quick over view of the Post-2015 Consensus youth forum.
Countries around the world are currently considering the UN's proposed development targets for 2016-2030, a total of 18 goals and 169 targets. But which are going to make the most difference? Copenhagen Consensus has asked 60 teams of the world’s top economists to highlight phenomenal, good, fair and poor targets, weighing up the social, environmental and economic benefits and costs. An Expert Panel of economists, including several Nobel Laureates, are reviewing the targets and will present their conclusions in Spring 2015.
Now it’s your turn, we want to know what are the targets most important to you and which are not?
What is a Post-2015 Youth Forum?
Youth forums are taking place in Africa, Asia and Latin America, bringing together groups of between 10 and 100 young people to review, debate and prioritize the best targets for 2015-2030. The young people are being asked to do the same task as the Expert Panel of economists, which includes several Nobel Laureates. This involves rating each of the proposed targets, based on cost-benefit analyses of the targets in all the goal areas. Young people will then present their priorities in writing, photos, and videos to let the media, their national governments and the UN know what they think.

What difference will the Youth Forum make?
The results from the Youth Forum project will be communicated through social, digital and traditional media using video, photographs and written stories, so that the opinions of young people in setting development priorities will be widely known. Our main aim is for national governments, ministers, and the UN to hear what young people have to say about what is important to them, so that young people can make an impact on setting the development priories for 2016-2030.