Health: Child and Mother
The Ministry of Public Health and Population, in collaboration with local and international organizations, has made great strides in reducing the infant mortality rate, leading to a decrease from 80 deaths per thousand live births in 2000 to 59 deaths per thousand. However, Haiti still has the highest infant mortality rate in the Caribbean.
Focusing on mother and child health can lead to inter-generational benefits.
One intervention is to improve immunization coverage. The biggest causes of vaccine-preventable death are measles and neonatal tetanus.
Other approaches are to focus on child health initiatives, or to focus on improving the health of both mothers and children by investing in maternal health.
Improved family planning can lead to benefits for mothers and their offspring.
Costs and benefits of child immunization and management of common childhood illnesses in Haiti
Immunization can prevent the conditions that result in illness and death among children, and common causes of illnesses that result in death – such as diarrhea and pneumonia – can be managed. This analysis estimates costs and the health impact of increasing coverage from current immunization levels to 80% or 95% in 2018, and maintaining each level until 2036.

Costs and benefits of providing skilled care before and during birth in Haiti
Packages of interventions are proposed, that would be provided during pregnancy: routine antenatal care visits, as well as skilled care at birth and immediate postnatal care. Also examined are services provided through emergency obstetric care, which is essential to manage complications arising at birth, as well as an expanded combination package where safe abortion and post-abortion care is part of the services provided.

Costs and Benefits of Expanding Sexual Reproductive Health Services in Haiti
The research studies the benefits and costs of investing in family planning programs. Besides reducing fertility and maternal and child mortality, this is likely to result in higher levels of female education, improvements in women’s general health, increases in female labor force participation and earnings, and increased child health.