Make a donation

Help the Copenhagen Consensus Center to bring rationality and economic thinking into the global debate. With your support we can keep investigating and publicizing the best ways for governments and philanthropists to spend aid and development money, based on hard data and economic research.

Copenhagen Consensus Center is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt registered non-profit organization in the US (EIN 26-1214521). Scroll down for different options for donations. Your contribution is greatly appreciated and goes to continue our research and outreach projects. We accept unrestricted donations, and further to remove any doubts of academic independence, we do not accept any donations from fossil fuel companies.

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Copenhagen Consensus Center
1215 Main St STE 115-132
Tewksbury MA 01876

If you have any questions on how to make a donation, or your preferred option is missing above. Please use the Contact Form to get in touch with us.