Playing digital catch-up: Finding opportunities for Haiti
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Internet coverage in Haiti remains limited and expensive. Just 4% of households have access, and fewer than 1% of Haitians have mobile Internet. This reduces opportunities for Haitians and slows down economic growth. Haiti could be richer with faster Internet and more digitization. Bjorn Lomborg discusses two papers that examine different ways to get more from the digital revolution.
The research project Haiti Priorise is releasing two research papers that examine different ways to get more from the digital revolution.
The first paper is by Dr Pantelis Koutroumpis, Research Fellow at Imperial College Business School. He says what Haiti really needs is a holistic National Broadband Plan with targets for coverage, capacity, and competition. In its absence, he proposes improving the infrastructure that powers Haiti’s Internet, along with the government’s processes.
Read more on Huffington post. Lire l'article en français au Le Nouvelliste.