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Copenhagen Consensus Center

Top Ideas for Governance and Public Administration

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In March 2016, Haïti Priorise held its seventh sector expert roundtable to discuss the best solutions for improving Governance and Public Administration. Roundtable participants were asked to identify the strengths and weaknesses of current policy efforts and to propose actions they think should be prioritized as a means to improve governance and public administration in Haiti.

The most notable ideas with regard to governance and public administration focused on measures to make human resource management within public institutions more robust, improve revenue mobilization and management at the local government level, adopt measures to improve transparency and limit corruption. 

Proposed Ideas

Roundtable Attendees

Kathleen Dorsainvil, Dorsainvil Consulting; Alphonse Nkunzimana, USAID; Joan Dulince Richard, MPCE; Aly Acacia, Forum Economique; Romina Kirkagacli, BID.