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Copenhagen Consensus Center

The Phenomenal Benefits of Improving Mother and Child Nutrition

A tablet that costs less than 5 gourdes (or US$0.08) could end up saving more than 15,000 Haitian lives over the next 12 years, according to new research for Haiti Priorise.


    Tens of thousands of young Haitian children suffering from severe and moderate acute malnutrition go untreated every year; many of them die and those who survive may face lifelong debilitations. 

    One response is to improve efforts to prevent malnutrition, through biofortification – improving the nutritional quality of staple food products – or providing supplements to expectant mothers, to improve the nutrition of their children. 

    Another response is to focus on combating wasting. Children suffering from wasting have a low weight-for-height ratio. This involves screening and treating children who are suffering from severe and moderate malnutrition using a standard ready-to- use therapeutic food.

    Preventative Nutrition Interventions

    Anemia and micronutrient deficiencies affect a large proportion of the population in Haiti.  An estimated 21% of children born in the last 3 years in Haiti had low birth weight, although birth weight was reported in only 26% of births. According to the most recent survey, 49% of women of reproductive age and 65% of preschool children were anemic.

    Expanding Community-Based Management of Children Suffering from Moderate and Severe Acute Malnutrition Using a standard and a Local RUTF Formula

    Tens of thousands of young Haitian children suffering from severe (SAM) and moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) go untreated every year; many of them die and those who survive may face lifelong debilitations.