Mortalidad materna y neonatal: una tragedia inaceptable que se puede evitar (Maternal and neonatal mortality: an unacceptable tragedy that can be avoided)
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The death toll of mothers and young infants in the world’s poorest countries is an unacceptable and largely avoidable tragedy. Investing just $3.7 billion annually in BEmONC and family planning is not only low cost, but one of the very best ways the world can invest to deliver on our global promises.
Read Bjorn Lomborg's column on the new research in newspapers around the world, including Milenio (Mexico), Navbharat Times (India, in Hindi), The Philippine Daily Inquirer, Dhaka Tribune (Bangladesh), The Nation (Kenya), The Punch (Nigeria), Business Day (South Africa), Addis Fortune (Ethiopia), Daily Mail (Zambia, print only), The Nation (Malawi, print only), El Periodico (Guatemala), La Prensa (Nicaragua), El Comercio (Peru), El Universal (Venezuela), Jordan Times, An-Nahar (Lebanon), Al-Ahram (Egypt), National Post (Canada), The Australian, Portfolio (Hungary), Finmag (Czech Republic) and Bangla Tribune (Bangladesh, in Bengali).