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Copenhagen Consensus Center

Securing land ownership to drive development

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Daily Graphic

Most people in the developed world don’t have to worry about losing the right to live where they do.

If you have a deed or a rental contract, it is unlikely that someone is going to turn up tomorrow with their own paperwork and kick you out.

Each week, Bjorn Lomborg is writing about the 12 most phenomenal solutions for global development in 20+ newspapers worldwide. You can read his article on land tenure in publications including National Post (Canada), New Times (Rwanda), Daily Graphic (Ghana), Jordan TimesMilenio (Mexico), Daily Nation (Kenya), Tempi (Italy), La Prensa (Nicaragua), Dhaka Tribune (Bangladesh), Philippine Daily Inquirer, Punch (Nigeria), Portfolio (Hungary), Business Day (South Africa), Finmag (Czech Republic), Addis Fortune (Ethiopia), El Periodico (Guatemala), El Comercio (Peru).