Skilled migration can help reduce inequality
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Studies routinely suggest that opening the entire world to migration could increase global gross domestic product by a massive 50 to 150 percent. Of course, it would also involve more than two billion workers moving to the rich world. No mainstream politician in the rich world is about to call for free mobility. There is, however, another migration policy that is likely to be more politically achievable, while reducing inequality and helping both the rich and poor world: an increase in skilled migration.
Each week, Bjorn Lomborg is writing about the 12 most phenomenal solutions for global development in 20+ newspapers worldwide. You can read his article on skilled migration in publications including Philippine Daily Inquirer, Daily Nation (Kenya), Daily Graphic (Ghana), Finmag (Czech Republic), Addis Fortune (Ethiopia), National Post (Canada), La Prensa (Nicaragua), The Jordan Times, The Ghana Report, Business Day (South Africa), Milenio (Mexico), Dhaka Tribune (Bangladesh), The Jakarta Post (Indonesia), The Times Tribune (US), Tempi (Italy), Portfolio (Hungary), El Comercio (Peru), Berita Kini (Malaysia), The Star (Malaysia).