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Copenhagen Consensus Center

Es momento de una segunda revolución verde (Time for a second Green Revolution)

Published by

La Prensa El Heraldo

A new research paper for Copenhagen Consensus shows that a modest investment of $5.5 billion annually (less even than Americans spend on ice cream every year) could go a long way and free 133 million people from hunger.

The article has been published in more than 30 newspapers across the world, including The Nation (Kenya), Philippine Daily Inquirer, Bangkok Post (Thailand), Business Day (South Africa), National Post (Canada), The Economic Times (India), The Australian, New Times (Rwanda), AllAfrica, Milenio (Mexico), La Tercera (Chile), La Prensa (Nicaragua), El Comercio (Peru), Al-Ahram (Egypt), An-Nahar (Lebanon), Tempi (Italy), Portfolio (Hungary), Berlingske (Denmark), Jordan Times, and Dhaka Tribune (Bangladesh).