Rethink HIV Forums
RethinkHIV organized a number of prioritization workshops. Attendees considered the research and weighed the different interventions identified against each other. Each workshop resulted in a ranking of these investment options. Read more about which interventions the Global Fund Forum, the Nobel Laureates Expert Panel and tomorrow's leaders and practitioners found most promising by following the links below.
Georgetown University Expert Panel
Copenhagen Consensus commissioned research papers from teams of top health economists, epidemiologists, and demographers, ranking competing HIV/AIDS interventions based upon benefit-cost metrics to help policy-makers and donors prioritize investments with the highest pay-offs in a world of limited resources.
A panel of economic experts, comprising five of the world’s most distinguished economists, was invited to consider the eighteen new research papers.

Georgetown University Global Fund Forum
In September 2011, at an event at Georgetown University's Riggs Library co-hosted by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, a group of senior figures involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS was convened. This group was introduced briefly to the RethinkHIV research and the Georgetown University Expert Panel findings, and identified their own priority investments in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
Attendees, representing three governments, many key NGOs and international organizations leading the fight against HIV/AIDS, were invited to individually form their own prioritized list of investments they believe should first receive additional funding.

Georgetown University Youth Forum
At Georgetown University in September 2011, a group of students from the school and other Washington, DC-area universities gathered for a RethinkHIV Youth Forum hosted by the Copenhagen Consensus Center and the Rush Foundation. The students who attended were those interested in the fight against AIDS in Africa; the vast majority were students of medical or social sciences, not economic sciences.