Rethink HIV Preventing Non-sexual Transmission
The purpose of the RethinkHIV project is to identify and highlight the most cost-effective responses to HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) with economic analyses of the benefits and costs of specific interventions in six categories of responses to HIV/AIDS. These are the Assessment and Perspective Papers on the second of the six topics: Prevention of non-sexual Infection of HIV.
Assessment Paper
Most HIV infections caused by non-sexual transmission have proven cost-effective solutions to reduce and virtually eliminate transmission of new infections. This paper examines the cost-effectiveness of each of a range of proposed solutions for sub-Saharan Africa, using a variety of models across all of the relevant countries.
The Assessment Paper on the topic of Prevention of Non-sexual Infection is authored by Lori A. Bollinger, the Vice President at Futures Institute.

Another Perspective by Mira Johri
This perspective paper focuses on a single mode of non-sexual HIV transmission, mother-to child transmission of HIV (MTCT), currently responsible for about 20% of new HIV infections annually.
A Perspective Paper has been written by Mira Johri, Associate Professor, International Health Unit and Department of Health Administration, University of Montreal.

Another Perspective by Rob Baltussen and Jan Hontelez
This perspective paper qualifies the merits of the analysis, and puts forward a number of important issues to consider when interpreting its results.
A Perspective Paper has been written by Rob Baltussen, Health economics specialist and coordinator of NICHE – the Nijmegen International Center for Health Systems Research and Education, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, and Jan Hontelez, Assistant Professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Researcher at NICHE.