Rethink HIV Sexual Transmission
The purpose of the RethinkHIV project is to identify and highlight the most cost-effective responses to HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) with economic analyses of the benefits and costs of specific interventions in six categories of responses to HIV/AIDS. These are the Assessment and Perspective Papers on the first of the six topics: Prevention of Sexual Transmission of HIV.
Assessment Paper
Each Assessment Paper outlines the costs and benefits of at least three of the most promising responses, interventions, or investments to HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa within the respective category.
The Assessment Paper on the topic of Prevention of Sexual Infection is authored by Jere Behrman, the W.R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Economics and Director of Population Studies Center at the University of Pennsylvania, and Hans-Peter Kohler, the Frederick J. Warren Professor of Demography, University of Pennsylvania.
They estimate benefit-cost ratios for those solutions through preventing sexual infections suggested by the literature and then present the estimated benefit-cost ratios and cost-effectiveness estimates for averting infections and per DALY.

Another Perspective by Alan Whiteside
Each Perspective Paper reviews the assumptions and analyses made within the Assessment Paper. In this way, a range of informed perspectives are provided on the topic. A Perspective Paper has been written by Alan Whiteside, Professor, Economic Research Unit and Director of Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division, University of KwaZulu Natal in South Africa.