Anne Mills
Professor of Health Economics and Policy - London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
EconomistPhD in health economics and policy.
Research areas
Health services research, Health systems, Malaria, Health care financing, Health policy.
Selected publications
Bennett S., Mills A., Russell S. with Attanayake N., Hongoro C., Muraleedharan V.E. and Smithson P. "The challenge of health sector reform: what must governments do?" Oxford, Macmillan Press, 2001.
Merson M., Black R., Mills A. (eds.) "International Public Health". Gaithersburg: Aspen publishers, 2001.
Mills A. (ed.) "Reforming Health Sectors". Kegan Paul, London, 2000.
Bennett S., McPake B. and Mills A. (eds). "Private health providers in developing countries: serving the public interest?" Zed Press, London, UK. 1997.
Palmer N. and Mills A. "We each do what we think is our duty" Classical versus institutional approaches to understanding controls on a contract with GPs in South Africa. Health Economics (in press)