Barry Eichengreen
The George C. Pardee and Helen N. Pardee Professor of Economics and Political Science - University of California, Berkeley
EconomistPhD in economics, Yale University (1979)
Research areas
The history and current operation of the international monetary and financial system.
Selected publications
Eichengreen, B., "Capital Flows and Crises", MIT Press, 2003.
Eichengreen, B. and Leblang, D., "Capital Account Liberalization and Growth: Was Mr. Mahathir Right?", a revised version appears in The International Journal of Finance and Economics (2003).
Eichengreen, B., "Financial Crises and What to Do About Them", Oxford University Press, 2002.
Eichengreen, B., "An Independent and Accountable IMF" (with Jose De Gregorio, Takatoshi Ito and Charles Wyplosz), Geneva Report on the World Economy 1k, London: CEPR, 1999.