Jere Behrman
W.R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Economics and Director of Population Studies Center - University of Pennsylvania
Eminent Panel MemberPhD in economics, MIT (1966), Fulbright 40th Anniversary Distinguished Fellow (1987), Fellow of Econometric Society (1980-), Guggenheim Foundation Faculty Fellow (1979-1980).
Research areas
Health, nutrition and education; family and household processes and distribution of resources within and across generations; labor markets; policy and project evaluation in the social sector.
Selected publications
Behrman, J. and M. Rosenzweig, “Returns to Birthweight,” Review of Economics and Statistics (forthcoming 2004).
Behrman, J. and M. Rosenzweig, “Does Increasing Women's Schooling Raise the Schooling of the Next Generation?” American Economic Review 92:1(2002).
Behrman, J., A. Foster, M. Rosenzweig and P. Vashishta, “Women's Schooling, Home Teaching, and Economic Growth,” Journal of Political Economy 107:4 (1999).
Behrman, J. and T. N. Srinivasan, eds., Handbook of Development Economics, Volumes 3A and 3B, Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co., 1995.
Behrman, J., M. Rosenzweig and P. Taubman, "Endowments and the Allocation of Schooling in the Family and in the Marriage Market: The Twins Experiment," Journal of Political Economy 102:6 (1994).