Jagdish Bhagwati
Professor; Senior Fellow - Columbia University; Council on Foreign Relations
Eminent Panel MemberBhagwati, a University Professor at Columbia University and a senior fellow for international economics at the Council on Foreign Relations, was born in 1934 and raised in India. He studied at Cambridge, Oxford and MIT. Bhagwati has been professor successively at Delhi School of Economics, MIT and Columbia.
Bhagwati has published more than three hundred articles and forty-five volumes. Regarded as one of the foremost international trade theorists of his generation, he has also made contributions to development theory and policy, public finance, immigration, and to the new theory of political economy. His scientific work has been recognized by many honorary degrees and six festschrifts in his honor.
In 1971 Bhagwati founded the Journal of International Economics, the premier journal in the field today, and in 1989 Economics & Politics. He works with several NGOs in the US and India. He is on the Academic Advisory Board of Human Rights Watch (Asia).