Cambridge University Press ,

Smart Solutions to Climate Change

The failure of the Copenhagen climate conference in December 2009 revealed major flaws in the way the world's policy makers have attempted to prevent dangerous levels of increases in global temperatures. The expert ...

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Knopf Publishing Group ,

Cool It

Bjorn Lomborg argues that many of the elaborate and expensive actions now being considered to stop global warming will cost hundreds of billions of dollars, are often based on emotional rather than strictly scientif...

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Cambridge University Press ,

Latin American Development Priorities: Costs and Benefits

Many countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have achieved considerable economic growth, yet the region still faces many seemingly intractable problems. Latin American Development Priorities shows how limited r...

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Cambridge University Press ,

Global Crises, Global Solutions

The first edition of Global Crises, Global Solutions was nominated as one of the books of the year by The Economist. This edition contains all new research produced for the second Copenhagen Consensus in 2008, where...

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Cambridge University Press ,

Solutions For The World's Biggest Problems

The world has many pressing problems. Thanks to the efforts of governments, NGOs, and individual activists there is no shortage of ideas for resolving them. However, even if all governments were willing to spend mor...

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Cambridge University Press ,

How to Spend $50 Billion to Make the World a Better Place

Edited by Bjorn Lomborg, this abridged version of the highly acclaimed Global Crises, Global Solutions provides a serious yet accessible springboard for debate and discussion on the world's most serious problems, an...

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Cambridge University Press ,

Global Crises, Global Solutions

A unique publication exploring the opportunities for addressing ten of the most serious challenges facing the world today. In a world fraught with problems and challenges, we need to gauge how to achieve the greates...

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Cambridge University Press ,

The Skeptical Environmentalist

As an Amazon Associate Copenhagen Consensus earns from qualifying purchases if you use the book links on this page.  In The Skeptical Environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg challenges widely held beliefs that the globa...

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Published by Justin

Perspectives for the Implementation of the Global Goals

Bjorn Lomborg was invited to address the Bundestag, the German Parliament, on October 14. In light of agreement on the Global Goals by the United Nations in late September, Bjorn presented on “Perspectives for the I...

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Published by Justin

Top Ideas for Capital and Financial Markets

In July of 2015, Bangladesh Priorities held a roundtable of sector experts to discuss the best solutions for improving Bangladesh's capital and financial Markets. Combined with in-depth interviews and review of the ...

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