Rethink HIV paper
Assessment Paper

Rethink HIV: Social Policy Assessment, Watts Remme Vassall

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Rethink HIV paper
Perspective Paper

Rethink HIV: Social Policy Perspective, Barnett

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Rethink HIV paper
Perspective Paper

Rethink HIV: Social Policy Perspective, Kazianga

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EU2020 report
Policy Advice

Policy report: The Costs And Benefits Of EU Climate Policy For 2020

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Best Practice Paper

The Economic Case for Expanding Vaccination

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EU2020 report
Policy Advice

Policy report: Defining, Measuring and Predicting Green Jobs

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EU2020 report
Policy Advice

Policy report: Energy Security - An Impact Assessment of the EU Climate and Energy Package

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guide to giving

Guide to Giving

Even the wealthiest government, business, or individual has limited resources. A dollar spent in one place cannot be spent elsewhere. We are often asked by individuals: how can I make personal donations in line with...

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Policy Advice

Guide to Giving

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Fix the climate report
Policy Advice

Fix The Climate: Advice for Policymakers

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