Copenhagen Consensus for Latin America
The Copenhagen Consensus produces practical ideas that leaders can implement, and help us to identify and promote cost-efficient initiatives. Most importantly, however, it will serve to emphasize the importance of collective action.
- Oscar Arias, President of Costa Rica and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize
In the end, Global Crises, Global Solutions reports a brave and well-organised venture aimed at challenging our thinking about what matters most in the world.
- Times Higher Education Supplement
...contains some of the best and most relevant policy research that social scientists have produced during the past few years.
- Journal of Peace Research
Global Crises, Global Solutions is, therefore, worthwhile in that it offers an economic perspective on important problems in global policy.
- Lancet
Lomborg's Copenhagen Consensus Center has posed a challenging question: If we had an additional $50 billion to spend on mitigating global problems, how should we spend it? To suggest answers, the center convened a panel of eight distinguished economists to evaluate proposals by over two dozen specialists on problems ranging from AIDS and malnutrition to water shortage, civil war, climate change, and migration, among others. Their collective recommendation: focus on AIDS prevention, the provision of micronutrients to poor children, trade liberalization, and the control of malaria. Their choices were determined by the expected payoff, largely but not wholly in economic terms, that each of these programs could generate relative to its cost. Some issues, such as civil war, could not be evaluated in general terms and so were not ranked. The motivating principle of the exercise was that resources are limited, political leaders must make choices, and those choices should be governed by where the most good can be done for humanity -- especially for those who are so poor that they cannot look beyond where their next meal is coming from.
- Foreign Affairs
... an instructive guide ... a remarkable book which provides essential data for any informed discussion of vital world problems ... so often dominated by ill-informed debate. This book should prove necessary reading for all policy makers and philanthropists concerned with seriously tackling the world's challenges.
- Nicholas Newman,
This should be a great help for us! We are always thinking about prioritizing what BRAC should do.
- Fazle Abed, Founder and Chairperson of BRAC
This small volume reflects an admirable undertaking, gracefully explained for those interested in guarding the future
- Publishers Weekly
There is no magic bullet or one-size-fits-all solution to help Bangladesh hone on its new found self-confidence. The top ideas are diverse, showcasing the need to implement mixed interventions for sustaining export-led economic growth and boosting domestic demand.
- Faisal Ahmed, Sr. Special Economic Advisor to the Governor, Bangladesh Bank
Bjorn Lomborg and his economist colleagues have produced a fascinating and unexpected consensus, which can start a debate about global priorities: Should we prioritize a costly and uncertain attempt to reduce effects of global warming in a hundred years’ time while millions are dying for lack of mosquito nets or condoms?
- Matt Ridley, author of Nature via Nurture
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