Best buys for Africa paper
Fast-track Analysis

Best buys for Africa: Breastfeeding promotion

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Published by kriszti

English pass rate low— National Planning Commission

schoolgirls malawi

National Planning Commission (NPC) research findings indicate that Malawian children do not learn much about English at elementary level, resulting in a high failure rate. It cites the English language pass rate in ...

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Best buys for Africa paper
Fast-track Analysis

Best buys for Africa: Family Planning

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Ghana Priorities

Ghana Priorities

This book is the result of our collaboration with a wide range of economists, experts, and researchers from Ghana and around the world.

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Published by kriszti

Committee resuscitates hospital user fees debate

people in line outside a building

Parliament’ s Committee on Health has revived a proposal to introduce user fees in public health facilities, noting that government is grappling to adequately finance the health sector. Read the full article here.

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Published by kriszti

Increased health funding could prevent 100,000 deaths – study

doctor and people around a desk

A research by National Planning Commission (NPC) has revealed that making huge financial investment in the health sector could prevent about 100,000 deaths of women and young children by the end of 2030. Read the T...

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Published by kriszti

Fresh push for export reforms


Stakeholders in the agricultural sector have underscored the need for the country to have sound policies that would help in maximising export gains from commodities such as groundnuts and maize. Read the full artic...

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Published by kriszti

Maize, g/nuts key to GDP growth - study

people harvesting

The National Planning Commission (NPC) and experts have said putting in place deliberate policies to ensure that maize and groundnuts output is predictable can grow the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). Read ...

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Published by kriszti

Experts tip Malawi on benefits od maize and groundnuts exports


Malawi has potential to realize over K61 billion from maize exports, translating into increased net wealth by one percent of the gross domestic product (GDP), agricultural and commodity exchange experts have said. ...

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Published by Justin

Land-title reform for a more prosperous Ghana

New research shows that building a comprehensive, digitized and accurate national-based system of land registration, can help Ghana unlock enormous economic opportunities. It would bring benefits such as increased p...

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