Building India’s talent base
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New research released today shows which policies contribute most effectively to skill development in Andhra Pradesh. Skilling is a major priority for Andhra Pradesh, with its ambitious target of skilling 20 million people in a span of 15 years through the AP State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC), a public-private partnership.
When India found itself at the 103rd position in the recent World Economic Forum ranking of 130 nations on the preparedness of talent, it was just another indication of the skills challenge. In just five years, the government’s skill gap analysis report estimates that an extra 40 crore workers need to be skilled, reskilled or upskilled. The current official estimate is that slightly more than half a crore people are being trained annually.
Policymakers are responding swiftly. But with limited resources and time, which skills policies will make the biggest impact? New research commissioned by Tata Trusts and the Copenhagen Consensus Center for the India Consensus projects, ‘Andhra Pradesh Priorities’ and ‘Rajasthan Priorities’, helps answer that question for the two States."
Read more as reported in The Hindu.
Read the article in Telugu from Andhra Jyothy.