Education reforms: Getting children into classrooms is no longer enough
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New research shows which policies contribute most effectively to enhancing education in Andhra Pradesh. Andhra Pradesh is investing approximately 15% of GSDP in education and is now facing the challenge of improving the effectiveness of its spending.
To achieve its full potential, it is crucial that India enacts education reforms to enhance human capital. Government policies have so far lifted school enrolment and retention rates, but new research starkly shows that the focus must shift to interventions that will deliver greater benefits at the lowest cost.
While more children are staying in school for longer, Pratham reports show learning outcomes are plunging: in 2005, 49% of Grade 5 students could do division; by 2016, it was 26 percent. Only half of the children in Grade 5 can read a Grade 2 textbook."
Read the full article in The Hindustan Times.