Mens verden triller tommelfingre, er tuberkulose blevet den mest dødbringende, smitsomme sygdom – men der er en løsning (As the world twiddles its thumbs, tuberculosis has become the deadliest infectious disease – but there is a solution)
Global dithering has allowed tuberculosis to become the biggest infectious killer. Ending tuberculosis is one of the world’s most effective policies. We have promised way too much for 2030, but tackling tuberculosis...
Es momento de una segunda revolución verde (Time for a second Green Revolution)
A new research paper for Copenhagen Consensus shows that a modest investment of $5.5 billion annually (less even than Americans spend on ice cream every year) could go a long way and free 133 million people from hun...
One of humanity’s biggest achievements in the last century was making a huge increase in food production. From 1900 to 2000, there was a six-fold increase in crop harvests while the global population increased less ...
The SDGs do promise to do incredibly important things, like eradicating poverty and hunger, getting rid of disease, ending war and global warming. They also set targets for more peripheral issues like providing gree...
The international community must set clear priorities and not try to do everything at once. Bjorn Lomborg kicks off a 12-part weekly series in which he and his colleagues at the Copenhagen Consensus think tank set a...
Instead of having 169 Sustainable Development Goals, let’s prioritise targets that matter most
Over that decade-and-a-half, governments, international institutions and private foundations poured in billions of dollars more than they had before, specifically to achieve the 15 targets. Bjorn Lomborg kicks ...
Ralph Nordjo discussed the Halftime cost-benefit research and how the methodology can help to achieve goals within Agenda 2063 more cost-effectively with Mr. Jacques Mukwende, Ag. Director of Partnership.
Recycling and green spaces must take a back seat to ending hunger, poverty
Between 2000 and 2015 the world made great progress on the Millennium Development Goals, which aimed to hit important targets in education, income growth, fighting disease and so on. In 2015, world leaders followed ...
Meetings were held with Mr. Abdelkreem Y. Ezaldin, Office of the Strategic Planning and Delivery (OSPD). Ralph Nordjo introduced the Halftime cost-benefit research project, and they discussed how the results can hel...
Ralph Nordjo travelled to Addis Ababa for informal meetings to introduce and present the Halftime cost-benefit research project for delegates at the annual African Union Summit.