
Published by kriszti

Digital solution to corruption war

Daily Nation

Corruption is an enormous global challenge, likely costing more than $1 trillion annually or $120 for every person. World leaders have long promised to tamp down on corruption. Unfortunately, we’re getting nowhere.&...

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Published by kriszti

Una decisión clave (A key decision)


VACCINATION is one of the true wonders of humanity, having saved more lives than any other medical invention and providing population-level control of diseases that once ran rampant.

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Published by kriszti

Infant mortality is not just a disgrace, it’s economic idiocy

The Australian

The financial cost of this global tragedy can be as harrowing as the unbearable emotional pain.

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Published by kriszti

Mortalidad materna y neonatal: una tragedia inaceptable que se puede evitar (Maternal and neonatal mortality: an unacceptable tragedy that can be avoided)


The death toll of mothers and young infants in the world’s poorest countries is an unacceptable and largely avoidable tragedy. Investing just $3.7 billion annually in BEmONC and family planning is not only low cost,...

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Published by kriszti

Så kan korruption och slöseri minska (In this way, corruption and waste can be reduced)

Svenska Dagbladet

Corruption is a trillion-dollar problem globally each year, with very few answers. Over the past decade, we have made zero progress towards fighting it, despite the UN setting the target to end corruption in its sig...

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Published by kriszti

Time for second Green Revolution

Daily Graphic

One of humanity’s biggest achievements in the last century was making a huge increase in food production. Read the second part of the 12-piece series in Daily Graphic.

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Published by kriszti

The remarkable returns to vaccinating kids

Addis Fortune

Today, vaccines have made common diseases like diphtheria, typhoid, measles and whooping cough virtually extinct.

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Published by kriszti

Pouring resources into agricultural R&D for most impoverished nations is a game-changer

Economic Times

Research shows that a 1% increase in agricultural value added per hectare can bring about a quick 0.4% drop in poverty and a long-term 1.9% decrease, achieved through a combination of lower food costs and increased ...

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Published by kriszti

Vaccines save 4 million lives a year

Philippines Daily Inquirer

Unfortunately recession, inflation, and many other global challenges caused us to lose focus on the huge potential that vaccines offer.

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Published by kriszti

Invertir más en vacunación: una decisión clave para cumplir con los ODS (Investing more in vaccination: a key decision to meet the SDGs)


Of all the hundreds of promises that the world has made in the SDGs, most of which will never be delivered, a few stand out for their incredible effectiveness. Increased vaccination is clearly one of these policies....

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