Published by Sarah

OWG 12: Continued UN Interest in Copenhagen Consensus' Benefit-Cost Analysis

Copenhagen Consensus Center President Bjorn Lomborg visited New York to attend the meetings of the 12th Session of the UN's Open Working Group on Sustainable Development. 

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OWG12 cover
Working Paper

Évaluation préliminaire des coûts-bénéfices pour les objectifs de la 12e session du GTO

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Published by Sarah

Bjorn Lomborg addresses Post-2015 Millennium Development Goals in new Project Syndicate piece

Bjorn Lomborg's new Project Syndicate op-ed about post-2015 prioritization has been published around the world including Turkey, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Uganda, South Korea, Costa Rica and the Philippines. The op-ed di...

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Published by Sarah

New Analysis of Draft Goals Released for the 12th Open Working Group Session

The Copenhagen Consensus has updated our benefit-cost assessment of UN's Post-2015 goals for the 12th session of the Open Working Group (OWG), to be held from June 16th to 20th, 2014. [[{"type":"media","view_mode":"...

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Amy Sopinka


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Kamal Saggi


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