
Humans have made great strides in healthcare. Advances are so rapid that for every month you live, medical science adds a week to your life expectancy. However, eighty percent of global deaths from heart disease, st...

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Food security & Nutrition

The planet creates more than enough food to meet everyone's needs. But there are still about 925 million hungry people in the world, and nearly 180 million preschool-age children do not get vital nutrients.

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Bjorn Lomborg

Climate Change & Energy

Climate change is real and man-made. It will come as a big surprise that climate change from 1900 to 2025 has mostly been a net benefit, rising to increase welfare about 1.5% GDP per year.

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Published by Justin

Thank You

Copenhagen Consensus would to thank for the generous donation to support our work to research and publish the smartest solutions for the world's biggest problems.

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How Much Have Global Problems Cost the World
Assessment Paper

A Scorecard for Humanity: Armed Conflict, Blomberg Hess

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How Much Have Global Problems Cost the World
Assessment Paper

A Scorecard for Humanity: Air Pollution, Hutton

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How Much Have Global Problems Cost the World
Assessment Paper

A Scorecard for Humanity: Climate Change, Tol

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How Much Have Global Problems Cost the World
Assessment Paper

A Scorecard for Humanity: Ecosystems & Biodiversity

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How Much Have Global Problems Cost the World
Assessment Paper

A Scorecard for Humanity: Education, Patrinos Psacharopoulos

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