How Much Have Global Problems Cost the World
Assessment Paper

A Scorecard for Humanity: Gender Inequality, Jacobsen

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How Much Have Global Problems Cost the World
Assessment Paper

A Scorecard for Humanity: Human Health, Jamison Jha et al

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How Much Have Global Problems Cost the World
Assessment Paper

A Scorecard for Humanity: Malnutrition, Horton Steckel

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How Much Have Global Problems Cost the World
Assessment Paper

A Scorecard for Humanity: Trade Barriers, Anderson

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How Much Have Global Problems Cost the World
Assessment Paper

A Scorecard for Humanity: Water and Sanitation, Jeuland et al

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A Scorecard for Humanity

A Scorecard for Humanity

A Scorecard for Humanity fits into the ongoing conversation between optimists and pessimists for the last half century. The central question has been: what is the state of the world? The results of our study have be...

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CC2012 paper
Assessment Paper

Third Copenhagen Consensus: Chronic Disease Assessment, Jha Nugent Verguet Bloom Hum

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CC2012 paper
Perspective Paper

Third Copenhagen Consensus: Chronic Disease Perspective, Suhrcke

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CC2012 paper
Perspective Paper

Third Copenhagen Consensus: Chronic Disease Perspective, Rushby

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CC2012 paper
Working Paper

Third Copenhagen Consensus: Trade Barriers, Anderson

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