Best Buy

Best Buys for Africa

Best Buys for Africa No nation can tackle all problems at once. Resources are limited, including money, time, manpower and attention. Hence, it might make sense to first focus where the used resources can achieve th...

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Published by Justin

Land Title Reform for Increased Investment, Security and Development

Ghana’s economy has shown robust growth in the past two decades, with GDP per capita increasing by 88% in real terms during this period. Still, poverty remains a challenge, especially among the rural population. For...

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Ghana research paper
Technical Report

Ghana Priorities: Land Titles

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Published by Justin

Skilled Youths for Improved Employment

A third of Ghana’s population is between the ages of 15 and 34, but the country struggles to offer employment for its youth. Job creation has not kept up the pace with the country’s strong GDP growth, and among youn...

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Ghana research paper
Fast-track Analysis

Ghana Priorities: report on COVID-19 responses

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Ghana research paper

Ghana Priorities: Youth Unemployment

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Ghana research paper
Technical Report

Ghana Priorities: Education (SHS)

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Published by Justin

Improved Access to Free Senior High School

Free senior high school poster

Achieving universal primary and secondary education is a central target of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Completion of primary and secondary education equips individuals with the needed skills and knowledge ...

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Published by Justin

Hypertension – Ghana’s Disease of the Future?

In Ghana, health care policy interventions and research budgets have traditionally been directed towards combatting communicable diseases like HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis. These are still a major public heal...

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Published by Justin

Investments in Mental Health for Far-Reaching Benefits

Mental health problems are a major contributor to the disease burden across the world and in Ghana. They have a significant impact on individuals through increased disability and mortality, but they also generate su...

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