Published by Justin

Better Nutrition For Prosperous Future

better nutrition

Healthy mothers and children are the foundation of a thriving nation and the first 1,000 days of a child’s life are the most critical for their future health. Nutrition in the pre-natal stage and early childhood is ...

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Published by Justin

Stakeholders Roundtable Discussions Take Place in Accra

IT was wonderful to see great buy-in to the Copenhagen Consensus’ new policy prioritization project “Ghana Priorities” in Accra last week. Hundreds of sector experts have attended our week-long roundtable discussion...

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Published by Justin

NDPC engages researchers on Ghana’s priority projects and cost benefits.

News Ghana has published an overview and recap of the sector expert events which took place in Accra last week.  The National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) has held a 3-days round-table discussion with...

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Published by Justin

Ghana Priority Project, stakeholders begin roundtable discussions

The Daily Graphic has published an article overviewing the sector expert roundtables which took place in Accra last week.  Briefing the Daily Graphic after the first round of discussions with representatives fr...

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Published by Justin

Copenhagen Center Pushes For ‘Smart’ Spending In Ghana

Ghana News has published an overview of the work to be done by the Ghana Priorities project.  The Copenhagen Consensus Center is leading the national drive aimed at ensuring that Government agencies, ministries...

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Published by Justin

NDPC, Copenhagen Centre Demand Evidence-based Policies

Ghana News has published a recap of the sector-expert roundtables which took place in Accra last week. You can read the full article here. The National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) and the Copenhagen Conse...

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Published by Justin

Ghana Priorities To Expand Research

Ghana Priorities will expand its research agenda at the request of the Ministry of Health to analyze the costs and benefits of interventions within the following three areas: (1) Public health emergency - (Early det...

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Published by Justin

A case for nutrition counselling

Bjorn Lomborg, president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center and Shireen Vakil heads the Policy and Advocacy unit of the Tata Trusts discuss the India Consensus research on Nutrition.  The Integrated Child Devel...

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Published by Justin

Policy directors validate Ghana Priority Project

The Daily Graphic reports on validation workshop for the Ghana Priorities project. The Coordinator of Ghana Priorities, Dr Ralph E. Nordjo, explained that the essence of the GPP initiative was to offer a data-driven...

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Published by Justin

Let's push for smart policies

Bjorn Lomborg was recently interviewed by Kobby Asmah for Ghana’s newspaper of record The Daily Graphic As Ghana gets ready for the 2020 election, he also said it would be more prudent for the country to catalogue f...

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