Urbanisation, Migration and Transport
Social Housing
New research on costs and benefits from housing policies is written by Amitabh Kundu, Distinguished Fellow at the Research and Information System for Developing Countries and Arjun Kumar, Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Human Development. Kundu examines three important policy interventions: Beneficiary-led Construction (BLC); the Affordable Housing in Partnership (AHP) scheme; and In-Situ Slum Redevelopment (ISSR).

Urban Infrastructure
Research by Parijat Dey of IL&FS examines three interventions which could support the city of Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh. This paper conducts a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of three urban interventions aimed at providing: 24x7 piped water supply, 100 percent coverage for sewage and wastewater treatment, and 100 percent management of solid waste (collection, transportation and treatment).

Sector Expert Consultation
On 27th Sept 2017, the sector expert consultation on Urbanisation was held at Hotel DV Manor, Vijayawada. A total of 11 experts participated in the consultation. The consultation included experts from Government agencies like Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC); Andhra Pradesh State Institute of Rural Development (APSIRD), Commissioner and District Management Authority (CDMA) bilateral agencies like UNDP; NGO’s working in the Urbanisation Sector like Maruti Mahila Society (MMS); Catholic Health Association of Andhra Pradesh (CHAAP), SEEDS and independent consultants working in this area in the state of Andhra Pradesh.