Water and Sanitation
Water and Sanitation
Nearly half of global deaths from diarrhoea occur in India – and most of these 800,000 annual deaths are due to a lack of clean drinking water and sanitation, according to a comprehensive global study. But what policies will do the most to help? New research by Bjorn Larsen, Environmental Economist, and Independent Consultant points the way.

Sector Expert Consultation
On 27th Sept 2017, the sector expert consultation on WASH was held at Hotel DV Manor, Vijayawada. A total number of 13 experts participated in the consultation. The consultation included experts from Government agencies like Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC); Andhra Pradesh State Institute of Rural Development (APSIRD), Commissioner and District Management Authority (CDMA) bilateral agencies like UNDP; NGO’s working in the Urbanisation Sector like Maruti Mahila Society (MMS); Catholic Health Association of Andhra Pradesh (CHAAP), SEEDS, Gramodaya and REEDS and other independent consultants working in this area in the state of Andhra Pradesh.