
Gaurav Datt

Published by Brad

AFP broadband infrastructure article goes global

AFP has published a report about the Center's latest paper on broadband infrastructure which has been syndicated globally including to Russia, Indonesia, South Africa, UK,

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Sector Expert

Katharina M. K. Stepping

Published by Justin

Wider Broadband Helps Growth, But Not Like Battling Some Illnesses

The Wall Street Journal has published an article reporting on the findings from our research for infrastructure targets for the post-2015 development agenda. Expanding broadband access through wireless networks woul...

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Sector Expert

Charles Cadwell

Sector Expert

Alliance for Affordable Internet


Mike Holland

Published by Justin

How to Save More Than 14 Million Newborns By 2030

We would be wise to target neonatal deaths and cervical cancer. has published Bjorn Lomborg’s new op-ed discussing the results from two health perspective papers written for the Post-2015 Consensus. The fir...

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Post2015 paper
Assessment Paper

Post-2015 Consensus: Health Assessment, Jha et al.

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Post2015 paper
Perspective Paper

Post-2015 Consensus: Health Perspective - Non Communicable Diseases, Nugent

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