Published by Justin

CNN Live interviews Anke Hoeffler co-author of our conflict and violence assessment paper.

Anke Hoeffler, Research Officer at Oxford and co-author of our assessment paper on conflict and violence targets for the post-2015 development agenda was interviewed last week by CNN Live. Click here to watch the fu...

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Sector Expert

Claire Melamed

Sector Expert

Serge Kapto


Deborah Johnston


Justin Sandefur


Gabriel Demombynes

Published by Justin

Benefits and Costs of Conflict and Violence Garners Global Attention

Major news sources around the world including: Times of India, Japan Times, Chicago Tribune,

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Post2015 paper
Assessment Paper

Post-2015 Consensus: Data for Development Assessment, Jerven

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Published by Justin

Violence between individuals 'kills nine times more people' than wars

The Guardian has published an article reporting on the findings from Anke Hoeffler and James Fearon’s research paper focused on conflict and violence targets for the post-2015 development agenda, commissioned by Cop...

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Published by Justin

Violence at home costs $8 trillion a year, worse than war

Reuters has just published a new article entitled “Violence at home costs $8 trillion a year, worse than war – study.”  The article gives a great overview of the findings from our most recent set of research pa...

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