Published by Justin

More or Better Development Data? Yes, Please...

Morten Jerven author of our assessment paper for Data for Development has written a great article for the Huffington Post. In the article Jerven illustrates why improved data monitoring will be so important for the ...

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Post2015 paper
Assessment Paper

Post-2015 Consensus: Gender Equality Assessment, Clots-Figueras

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Post2015 paper
Perspective Paper

Post-2015 Consensus: Gender Equality Perspective, Braunstein

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Post2015 paper
Perspective Paper

Post-2015 Consensus: Gender Equality Perspective, Jacobsen

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Post2015 paper
Viewpoint Paper

Post-2015 Consensus: Gender Equality Viewpoint, Almas

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Post2015 paper
Viewpoint Paper

Post-2015 Consensus: Gender Equality Viewpoint, Nordlund

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Post2015 paper
Viewpoint Paper

Post-2015 Consensus: Gender Equality Viewpoint, ACDI/VOCA

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Sector Expert

Michael Herrmann


Gregory Casey

Published by Justin

Clean cooking and better sources of energy can have a domino effect on health and education has published an op-ed article by Bjorn Lomborg discussing the findings from our recent set of research papers focused on Energy.  The key message of the report: increasing access to modern energy is a...

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