Rajasthan Priorities

Rajasthan Priorities

Rajasthan is the largest Indian state. It has a diversified economy, with mining, agriculture and tourism. Rajasthan has shown significant progress in improving governance and tackling corruption. However, it contin...

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Published by Justin

Water and Sanitation Services: Rural or Urban Haiti First?

Low coverage rates for clean water and sanitation leave Haiti exposed to significant health burdens.  According to the latest estimates, 72% of Haiti’s population lack access to improved sanitation facilities a...

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Published by Justin

A possible future for Haiti

The Economist discusses a development path forward for Haiti, highlighting the research findings for the Haiti Priorise project. 

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Published by Justin

Two Ideas For Haitian Development Whose Time May Have Come

There are as many different ideas to improve the wellbeing of Haiti as there are Haitians. After talking to more than 700 people to identify all of the nation’s biggest challenges and most promising solutions, the p...

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Published by Justin

Improving Learning in Haiti’s Classrooms

In Haiti, about ninety percent of children are estimated to be in primary school. That is a real achievement compared to 20 years ago. But evidence shows that it is not enough to ensure that children are in the clas...

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Published by Justin

Top Priorities From Bangladeshi Youth

The Bangladesh Priorities youth forums enabled the young people of Bangladesh to debate ad discuss their top priorities for the nation’s development, sending a message to people in government and in international NG...

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Published by Justin

Could Paternity Leave Help Women Earn More?

In Haiti, as in most nations, social distortions and inequalities that rule the labor market prevent women from contributing to their full capacity.

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Published by Justin

A Menu of Options to Improve Public Services in Haiti

Despite many proposals to make the public sector more effective, there are many delays caused by red tape. Four new research papers by Haiti Priorise examine various ways to improve public services:

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Published by Justin

Changing the Narrative About Haiti

Prioritizing spending alternatives is difficult in every country. But it is especially challenging in Haiti, where, following years of fractious politics, a newly elected government is striving to expand the economy...

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Published by Justin

The Phenomenal Benefits of Improving Mother and Child Nutrition

New research for Haiti Priorise shows that a tablet that costs less than 5 gourdes could end up saving more than 15,000 Haitian lives over the next 12 years. Professor Stephen Vosti. In two research papers, he and c...

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