Review Roundtable: Infrastructure
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On February 10th 2016 a review roundtable on “Smart Infrastructure for Bangladesh” brought together economists and sector experts to discuss preliminary findings of research, with the aim of getting inputs from sector experts as well as fellow economists in order to improve papers and their cost-benefits analysis.
The discussion was facilitated by Brad Wong, Chief Economist, Copenhagen Consensus Center and chaired by Prof. Abdul Bayes, Director, Research and Evaluation Division, BRAC. After a brief presentation on project background and present status, the researchers presented their initial research findings on the Asia highway and motor vehicles agreement, Smart energy option for Bangladesh, and Smart transport options for Dhaka. From a Very interactive session, the most notable recommendation and suggestions came out regarding the capacity of Roads and Ports in Bangladesh, probable and existing traffic jam, real assessment of trade benefit, compliance of BBIN agreement during political turmoil, Energy security, renewable energy, Nuclear energy, financing energy sector, Electrification, comparative cost of BRT and MRT, probability of Bi-cycle networks in Dhaka City, inclusion of river and rail transport networks into RSTP. Attendees emphasized “Expanding Public Transport Options” as first and “Expanding Energy infrastructure” as second priority among five interventions. However, all attendees stressed on the collaborative efforts from government, Private Sector, NGOs (National and International) to work in developing infrastructure in Bangladesh.
Prominent Attendees
Dr. Khan Ahmed Sayeed Murshid (Director General, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies), Tanvir A Siddiqui (Vice President & Unit Head, Large Infrastructure, Infrastructure Development Company Limited), Nurul Islam Bhuiyan (Chief Engineer, Planning & Operation, Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board), Dr. AFM Saiful Amin (Professor, Structural Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering,Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology), A.K.M Firoz (Senior Procurement Officer & Project Officer, Energy and Power Division, ADB), Richard Lorenz (Senior Infrastructure Adviser, United Nations Office for Project Services), Hugo Ribadeaudumas (Project Coordinator, AFD (French Development Agency), A. B. Moniruzzaman Khan (Director C3ER, BRAC University)along with other sector experts.