Top Ideas for Food Security, Nutrition and Agriculture
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In May of 2015, Bangladesh Priorities held a roundtable of sector experts to discuss the best solutions for - honing on the progress registered in terms attaining food security, improving nutrition levels, and, accelerating growth in agriculture. Combined with in-depth interviews and review of the 26 background studies of the 7th Five Year Plan (7FYP) and the Plan itself, the most notable ideas focused on: incorporating basic nutrition into extension services, educating mothers and girls on nutrition, linking WASH and nutrition programs. Overall, reducing the agriculture yield gap through technology use, increasing women’s participation, and, more government financial support for were identified as three major challenges.
Proposed Ideas
The prominent ideas arising from the roundtable are highlighted in the following presentation.
Roundtable Attendees
Prominent discussants in the roundtable were Dr. Sultana Khanum from Global SUN CSO Network, Dr. Lalita Bhattacharjee from FAO, Meredith de Graffenried from HKI, Monira Parveen from WFP, Dr. Raisul Haque from Health Nutrition and Population Program of BRAC, Dr. Mustafizur Rahman from Micronutrient Initiative, Dr. Debashish Chanda from the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, Economist Erin Nickerson from USAID and Dr. Mahfuzar Rahman from Research and Evaluation Division of BRAC.
In a hurry?
Click here to download a PDF list of all the proposed food security, nutrition and agriculture ideas.