Top Ideas for Industrial Policy and Trade
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In July of 2015, Bangladesh Priorities held a roundtable of sector experts to discuss different solutions to improve Bangladesh’s industrial policy and trade. Combined with in-depth interviews and review of the 26 background studies of the 7th Five Year Plan (7FYP) and the Plan itself, the most notable ideas focused on macro level challenges such as the efficacy of current industrial policies and product marker diversification. Yet, many micro level challenges were discussed such as the provision of proper business environments for entrepreneurs.
Proposed Ideas
The prominent ideas arising from the roundtable are highlighted in the following presentation.
Roundtable Attendees
Prominent discussants in the roundtable were M. Abdur Rahman, Deputy Chief, Metropoliton Chamber of Commerce & Industry (MCCI), Suhel Ahmed Choudhury, Former Commerce Secretary & Former Chairman, Janata Bank, Abdul Mannan, EVP & Manager, Mutual Trust Bank, Tania Wahab, Director, Bangladesh Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry & Managing Partner Karigar, Dr. Abdul Bayes, Director, RED, BRAC, Eric Dales, Manager, Pro-Poor Trade, UNDP, Nabeera, Rahman, UNV, UNDP, and Mr. Abdul Moyen, Director (Statistics & Policy Planning) (C.C).
In a hurry?
Click here to download a PDF list of all the proposed Industrial Policy and Trade ideas.