The importance of nutrition for economic development presented at Pontifical Academy of Science
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In November 2013, Dr Lomborg presented the strong economic evidence and high benefit-costs for nutrition interventions for small children to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences working group during their Bread and Brain, Education and Poverty workshop in the Vatican State. The conference was hosted by plant scientist Ingo Potrykus inventor and promoter of ‘Golden Rice’, a sustainable contribution to reduce vitamin A-malnutrition turning blind and killing 100,000s of children every year.
"We want to share our conviction that hunger, malnutrition and extreme poverty can be overcome by 2030, if appropriate scaling up of joint efforts is combined with application of the best technologies available."
- PAS Working Group
The proceeding of the PAS workshop were turned into a book in which Dr. Lomborg was asked to write the introductory chapter.
Click here to read the Statment of the Workshop and click here to read the introductory chapter by Dr. Lomborg (in PDF).