Limit UN development goals for 2030, get more value for money
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Upon the release of the recommendations from the Post-2015 Consensus expert panel, major news sources around the world including, Germany's newspaper of record, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Reuters begun to report on expert panel’s 19 targets that represent the best value-for-money in development over the period 2016 to 2030.
The following is an excerpt from Reuters:
Focusing on a few global U.N. targets for 2030, such as cutting child malnutrition or phasing out fossil fuel subsidies, will give better value for money than a scattergun list, an expert panel said on Thursday.
The group, comprising two Nobel economics laureates and a U.S. professor, estimated that the best 19 policies would yield $20 to $40 in benefits per dollar spent against less than $10 on average from 169 proposed U.N. development targets for 2030.
"Our list can help the U.N. make its choices like a savvy shopper with limited funds," the panel said after assessing targets for development aid estimated at $2.5 billion for 2016-30 in addition to domestic spending by governments.
With the U.N. list "the temptation would be to ... give something to everybody," Finn Kydland, of the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a 2004 Nobel winner, told Reuters.
Read the entire piece from Reuters as reported. in the New York Times, and more about the nobel recommendations in the newspapers of record in Germany (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) and Chile (El Mercurio), and major Mexican newspaper Milenio.