Sparking Global Attention for Smart Education Targets
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The recent article written by Bjorn Lomborg, focused on the education targets for the Post-2015 development agenda, has begun to attain major global attention. Immediately after publication on Project Syndicate, the article was released by major news outlets in both Turkey by Today's Zaman and in Somalia by Mareeg.
As of today, the article can be found published in focused on the news pertaining to the entire African continent, the Kathmandu Post - severing the people of Nepal, the Korea Times - one of South Korea’s major new sources, Koha Ditore - providing news to the people of Kosovo, the Jakarta Post -serving all of Indonesia, the Prague Post - a major publication in the Czech Republic and New Vision - focused on providing news to the people of Uganda.
With 60 million children still out of school, the international community should not simply postpone the same universal-education target until 2030. Instead, it is time to abandon this unrealistic goal in favor of an achievable, targeted, and cost-effective approach."