United Nations debates new goals for making world a better place
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The Sydney Morning Herald has published an article which interviews Bjorn Lomborg and reports on the work of the Post-2015 Consensus to insert a cost-benefit perspective into post-2015 development agenda in order to ensure only smart targets are selected by the UN.
"Not all targets are equally worthwhile," said Lomborg, who was in Australia for the recent G20 meeting. "Some things can do an amazing amount of good at fairly low cost but others are not so smart."
Lomborg's aim is to influence the crucial negotiations now taking place at the UN. An array of expert panels, working groups and researchers has been busy coming up with proposals for a list of "Sustainable Development Goals" that will shape international co-operation over the next 15 years. A special "My World" survey asked five million people (including Australians) their views, and an "Open Working Group", involving 70 nations, was set up last year to come up with a list of global priorities. It has proposed 17 goals and 169 targets covering everything from malnutrition, tobacco control and sustainable tourism to renewable energy.
Click here to read the entire article.