What Youths Could Teach World Leaders on Development Targets
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In a new op-ed published by the Huffington Post, Bjorn Lomborg discusses the top priorities for the post-2015 development agenda as selected by the participating young people of the Post-2015 Consensus Youth Forums.
We worked with local partners from civil society to bring together groups of between 10 and 100 young people to review, debate and rank the best targets for 2016-2030.
The idea was to hear from a broader range of voices on these vital decisions - and to engage with tomorrow's leaders. As a student from Kigali University in Rwanda said, "I was given a platform to air out my opinions and ideas with other youth."
The results from 2,446 young participants in 21 countries are fascinating - not the least because they strongly reflect the Nobel Laureates' own findings.There were eight targets - printed in full below - that were given a high ranking by young people from across the developing world."
Click here to read the entire article.