Youth Forum Ecuador
The Post-2015 Consensus Youth Forum was held at Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Quito Ecuador. The participants were members of the university student group Comité de Temas Internacionales.

The forum consisted of 25 young Ecuadorian students. After learning more about the costs and benefits of potential targets for the post-2015 development targets, these 25 students ranked the following as phenomenal targets for the United Nations to prioritize.
• Universal access to contraception
• Reduce child malnutrition
• Eliminate violence against women and girls
• Ensure women's rights to own and inherit
• Enhance female education
• Reduce forest loss
• Increase women's economic opportunities
• Eliminate violence in child discipline
• Triple preschool in Sub-Saharan Africa
• Make beneficial ownership info public
• Reduce assaults
The video and other media on this page were provided by our local Youth Forum partners, to give voice to Youth Forum participants and show individuals' views on priorities.