Youth Forum Uganda
Three days of Post-2015 Consensus Youth Forums were held in Uganda, engaging a total of 327 young people. The forums were hosted by two separate organizations: National Youth Development Association of Uganda and Fran Horizon Consultants.

The first day of youth forums in Uganda was hosted by Fran Horizon Consultants and took place at Christ the King Community Centre in Kampala, consisting of 4 sessions of forums and engaging 115 young people. After learning more about the costs and benefits of potential targets for the post-2015 development agenda, these young people chose the following as phenomenal targets for the United Nations to prioritize.
• Reduce child malnutrition
• Halve malaria infections
• More health spending for the 1 Bn. poorest
• Reduce corruption and bribery
• Research to increase yields
• Enhance female education
• Reduce infant mortality
• Better access to water for 2.3 Bn. people
• Eliminate violence against women and girls
• Increase tobacco tax 125%
• Open world markets for food and textiles
• Reduce forest loss
• Reduce assaults
• Cut TB deaths 95%
• Doubling HIV medication
• Eliminate open defecation
• Increase women’s economic opportunities
The second day of youth forumswas hosted by Fran Horizon Consultants and took place at Masaka University in Kampala and consisted of three sessions of youth forums. Day two brought together 107 young people from Uganda. The participants of the second day of forums chose the following targets as phenomenal priorities.
• Reduce child malnutrition
• Open world markets for food and textiles
• Research to increase yields
• Reduce corruption and bribery
• More health spending for the 1 Bn. poorest
• High blood pressure medication
• Eliminate open defecation
• Better access to water for 2.3 Bn. people
The third day of youth forums in Uganda was hosted by the National Youth Development Association in Mbarara, a nonprofit promoting equal participation of youth and women in health and entrepreneurship for sustainable development. The third day consisted of two sessions of youth forums and engaged 105 young people. Afterwards they ranked the following as a phenomenal investment to prioritize.
• Reduce child malnutrition
The video and other media on this page were provided by our local Youth Forum partners, to give voice to Youth Forum participants and show individuals' views on priorities.