Youth Forums Rwanda
Three Post-2015 Consensus Youth Forums were held in Rwanda, engaging a total of 161 young people. The forums were organized by Mount Kenya University in Kigali.

The first forum brought together 31 young Rwandans. After learning more about the costs and benefits of potential targets for the post-2015 development agenda, the young people chose the following as phenomenal targets for the United Nations to prioritize.
• Eliminate extreme poverty by money transfers
• Reduce civil wars
• Eliminate violence against women and girls
• Research to increase yields
• Universal access to contraception
• Enhance female education
• Halve malaria infections
• Reduce child malnutrition
The second forum brought together 42 young people. The second forum chose the following targets as phenomenal priorities.
• Research to increase yields
• Provide legal identity for all
• Eliminate extreme poverty by money transfers
• Enhance female education
The third forum was a double session bringing together 88 young people to learn about the costs and benefits of potential targets for the post-2015 development agenda. Afterwards they ranked the following as phenomenal investments to prioritize.
• Eliminate extreme poverty by money transfers
• Eliminate violence against women and girls
• Research to increase yields
• Double HIV medication
• Universal access to contraception
• Reduce child malnutrition
• Reduce civil wars
• Enhance female education
• Mobile broadband developing countries
• Cut TB deaths 95%
• Halve malaria infections
• Provide legal identity for all
• Reduce corruption and bribery
• Energy technology R&D
• Reduce infant mortality
• 100% primary education in sub-Saharan
• More male circumcision against HIV
The video and other media on this page were provided by our local Youth Forum partners, to give voice to Youth Forum participants and show individuals' views on priorities.